Sunday, April 3, 2011

What do you care about?

What do you care about?

I care about an infinity amount of things.

What I care about the most is my environment.

environment |enˈvīrənmənt; -ˈvī(ə)rn-|
the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

In which, this includes space.

space |spās|
the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move.

What I look at and see and observe I care so much about because I feel that it is important to be very particular about our personal ways of living. The people whom I surround myself are essential to my everyday life. I am surrounded by people everyday because of college and work. I do not, however get to choose these people, but they are essential because they are able to give me the inspiration that I can retain to the uses of life.

I care about our space. The amount of negative space there is all around us. I love negative space. Something about it is so surreal to me and relaxing and calming. I feel like it's the most beautiful thing. Even in a house, negative space, wide-open spaces give comfort for me. I'm not claustrophobic. I just love open spaces.

to be continued....

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